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"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit."

-fortune cookie

Dear website visitor,

Thank you so much for coming to learn more about me! Let's give you the run down...

Claudia Campo Mirabent - Headshot

I am a Campaign Strategist and Digital Marketer with a passion for crafting a brand voice and messaging for big and small brands alike. My strength is building relationships within the team and nourishing new, innovative ideas that achieve client goals. I'm motivated by understanding people's "why" for the decisions they make, and I value collaboration, open-mindedness, and creativity.


I was born in Venezuela, but I spent a significant part of my childhood in Mexico. I moved to the U.S. as a teenager, where I've lived ever since. I also speak three languages: Spanish, English and French.


I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor's of Arts in Advertising and Public Relations and a minor in Social Media Strategies from the Univeristy of Scranton, and I am curerntly working toward my Professional Certification in Data Analytics from Google.


My biggest obsession is history, particularly medieval monarchies and architecture. My second biggest obsession is cookies. 

I look forward to meeting you soon!

Claudia CM

PS: If you would like to see my resume, feel free to download it here. 

project Management

research &

Data Analysis

Pitch & 

Public Speaking



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2023-2024 Rising Star Award Logo, AAF NEPA
2021 AAF NEPA Cropped Competition Logo
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