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kaneen Communications

Tucson-based local PR and Marketing Agency. Its main client was the City of Tucson and its many subdepartments and committees. Unfortunately, 2 years after my internship, Kaneen closed.

My impact


Aid in all agency processes to help elevate the public perception of our clients by facilitating crisis communication and community engagement.


Personally interact and communicate with our clients' clients at community events, house visits, and through written communication.


  • +200 attendies at our community event.

  • +70 goody bags delivered to those affected during a crisis.

  • A completely bilingual campaign that made it accessible for Spanish speakers to feel cared for by the City of Tucson.

Joaquin Murrieta Park

Joaquín Murrieta Park is home to Tucson's baseball Little League. At the time of my internship at Kaneen, the city was getting ready to announce the park's final master plan for the park and to receive feedback from the public. 

Invitation to Meeting

More than half of Tucson's population speaks Spanish, and about half of that half speaks ONLY Spanish. That's why it is important to create bilingual messaging. Spanish is my first language, so I was tasked with editing this postcard. 


The biggest change I made was the headline. Previously, the headline read "Moving On" and "Siguiendo Adelante" in Spanish. I felt that the headline should emphasize the public's vote used to create the final plan for the park. So, I changed the headline to "We Heard You!"/"Te Escuchamos!" to remind the community that the city is honoring the public's decisions and implementing them in the final plan.

Public Meeting

The public meeting was held in a community center nearby the park, and I was in charge of greeting people at the entrance, providing them with informative materials, and directing them to the right people to get more information about the park. Unfortunately, I was too busy taking pictures of everyone else at the event that I forgot to include myself in those photos. That day, we received about 70 attendees, as well as Tucson's very own Vicemajor!


Joaquín Murrieta Public Meeting July 2022

Tucson Water

Crisis Communication

When a main water line broke and significantly affected a large neighborhood of both Latino and american families, we made sure to reach out to the residents of the area to do damage control on Tucson Water's public image. As a way to show Tucson water's appreciation for these families' patience and support, the Kaneen team went out to the homes of those affected the most and personally delivered goody bags with Tucson Water branded gifts and gadgets. 


I was particularly useful during this outreach because of my fluency in Spanish and knowledge of the culture, which allowed me to interact with some of the homeowners in a way that suited them best.


The picture shows me about to deliver a goody bag to one of the affected families.

Press release

Kaneen helped the community by working with Arizona Transportation Builders on their volunteer events. This time, I was tasked with writing a Press Release on behalf of ATB to promote one of those events.


The press release is available for download:

Other writing Samples

If a press release is not what you're looking for, feel free to download my writing portoflio by clicking the button. The works in this portoflio are NOT associated with Kaneen; they are just mine done on my own time. In it, you will find an Op-Ed, feature profile, a List-icle and more!

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